Wednesday, June 17, 2015

World Doll Day! - Edited

So, BeastsBelle tagged me in a World Doll Day post... and I'm going to do it, since it looks easy and fun! She says the original post is from The Multicrafteral Lab.

Those tagged are to:

1. List 3 favorite dolls from the ones you got last year.
2. List 3 dolls currently on your wishlist.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same thing! (Anyone with a home on the web, not just bloggers, can be tagged!)

1. List 3 favorite dolls from the ones you got last year.

Considering that I just started collecting dolls again this year... I have a few to choose from, I think! It was really hard to actually pick just 3, as I've gotten all of these dolls for some love or another of them!

1) Alanna (Marisol GOTY 2005) - I saw her picture in a pirate outfit on the Beds-n-Blankies website and fell in love!  She was exactly what I wanted, and I loved the Josefina face mold. I searched Ebay for a while until I found her at a decent price.  When I started working on her, I discovered that her wefts were coming undone, which is a defect.  Took her to the AG hospital end of March, didn't get her back til the first week of May... and still think she is one of my prettiest dolls.

My shy girl, Iris, peeking around her older sister Alanna

2) Marie Grace - I have seen her many times in the FB groups, and loved her.  She is simply the sweetest face I have seen, even with my Josefina mold addiction, and her eyes and hair are lovely.  She came home to me in the middle of May.  She doesn't have a name yet (as I never keep the canon names) but she will soon! (sorry she's nekkid... I was snapping off pics quickly yesterday before work!)

3) MAG #55 - I did the post on her last week, my acquisition from the JSD!  She came in last night, and I love her!  The pics don't do her gorgeous eyes justice!  She is absolutely beautiful!

2. List 3 dolls currently on your wishlist.

1) Another Marie Grace - I would love to customize her as Kenzi from Lost Girl, one of my favorite shows ever.  Kenzi has such a unique style.

Left: Kenzi (Ksenia Solo), Right: Bo (Anna Silk) and Kenzi

2) MAG #61 - I adore her eye color, and her hair is a gorgeous shade.  I missed out on her during the JSD, as I didn't have the money, and TechGuy didn't tell me he'd give me the money for her until a few minutes before the sale was over, and I missed her.  But I'm watching the links on the boards for her, and I got another doll (#59) to try and sell to have money for her.  She will come home to me at some point. Or I will build her myself... I just bought her eyes last night! So maybe the #59 will sell and I'll have money for the MG I want!

Wish me luck with eye-swaps, I need it, if I'm ever going to create this girl!

3) MAG #62 - I love the Sonali mold!  I am pretty sure, now that I have #40 (though I LOVE 64) that she will have to come home with me too. (She will most likely be getting lavendar or green eyes though... I think she would really pop with those... which I guess means that I may get a bald doll, since you can customize the eye color when you order. I know you can't get a doll with lavendar eyes... but if I ever get good enough at painting them... my first set weren't bad, but I destroyed them last night... more on that later)

Wouldn't she be pretty with either green or lavendar eyes?  I can totally see it!  Okay, maybe blue violet.

(I know there's no room for a number 4, but I'd also like to get some of the Gotz Little Sisters dolls, Katie, Lily, and Tess are so adorable!)

3. Tag 5 people to do the same thing! (Anyone with a home on the web, not just bloggers, can be tagged!)

1) Liz

2) Charlie

3) Jaclyn

4) Karen

5) Rhonda F

No one has to do this... I don't even know how many people follow me at this point, other than BeastsBelle. But if you want to, have fun!