Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I'm Just a Simple Girl... In a High-Tech Digital World

Hi. That's a decent description. I am writing to you from my first laptop, that I got for Christmas 2014. Before that, I have had pieced together desktop PCs that others have made for me. Give me sewing, reading (though I upgraded to a kindle in 2012), dolls, crocheting, and writing any day of the week. I may love my smartphone, but at the end of the day, a good book makes me happier than anything else.

Who am I? SimpleighNova, a 31 year old Scorpio/almost Sagittarius who is a groomer by day, and a dreamer, doll lover (especially American Girl Dolls), reader, amateur seamstress, crocheter, and sometimes writer the rest of the time. I was born and raised in a city outside of Daytona Beach, FL, until I visited Baltimore at the age of 20 for the summer. I fell in love with the area, and moved up that fall. Now I live in Pennsylvania with my boyfriend of nearly 4 years, his 3 kids, our 3 dogs, 2 green cheek conures, and a bearded dragon named Spiro.

I'm just an average girl who thought it would be fun to write a blog. Okay, I started a blog for my American girl dolls, after seeing so many other people's blogs. It looked like fun, to learn to write from more than one person's perspective. I would love to be an author one day, but I find that, while I have many ideas, none of them have fleshed out into a full story. Then I saw
Jane Austen and Unicorns, and thought that if her blog could be told from more than one PoV, so could mine.

I used to love to write, be it on LiveJournal, or for Dragonriders. I was "WeyrWoman" Analyn from the time I was 16 or 17 (I think) til I was 20. I wrote stories about people, gave them backgrounds, had them accomplish goals, so that they could be Searched. This is all based on Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern. What started out small became a huge community. I remember sketching (NOT my strong suit, I must add) dragons, so that I too could run a Weyr. It was Opal Moon Weyr. I learned html coding so that I could design a website. Why do I bring it up now? Because I realized as I sat down to write out my first blog posting, that I remembered only bits and pieces of my html coding, though I did find my old site ftp domain that had all the old coding. Long story short, I always looked at the dragons as beautiful art used to reward good stories. And now, while I haven't made time to write in a while, I hope this will be a jumping off point to inspire me to write 2-3 times a week, between here and my dolls' blog, "Sci-Fi and Fairytales for Dolls". I guess we'll see though, won't we?

I'm looking forward to sharing my dolls, my crocheting, sewing, and the rest of my world with you. Thanks for giving me a chance!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to meeting your dolls! Blogging and blog design can definitely overwhelming. I am very hit or miss with mine!
