Meet my Dolls

I will be updating this as I have the dolls' looks and personalities where I want them... so please bear with me!  Thanks!

Molly (Historical American Girl Doll Molly!)
[Behind the Scenes: First American Girl doll, think I was 9 or 10, so 1992 or 1993 Christmas.  She started the obsession :)]

Full name: Molly McIntire
Birthday:  April 22nd
Personality Same as the books!
"American Girl characterizes her as "lively" and "loveable." On the original personality quiz, she is described as "feisty." also characterizes her as "patriotic". American Girl e-cards describes her as "fun" and "cheerful"

Vera(First GOTY doll, Lindsey)
[Behind the Scenes: Got her for Christmas in 2001]
Photo coming soon...
Full name: Verena Nicolette Bruce

Birthday:  December 1st

Age: 13

Favorite color:  dark kelly green and rich shades of purple and Red

Favorite book:  Fashion magazines

Favorite movies: Chicago, Nine, Anastasia 

Favorite TV Shows: One Tree Hill, Once Upon a Time

Favorite actor:  Catherine Zeta-Jones

Favorite fictional character: Anastasia or Brooke Davis

Favorite CD: Anything by Maroon 5

Favorite song: Secret - Maroon 5

Favorite food: Any kind of breakfast food

Favorite dessert: Crepes with Momma's Whipped Cream Cheese topping

Favorite drink: Shirley Temple

Favorite animal: Peacock

Hobbies: Fashion - drawing designs with Dahlia for Momma to make, dressing up herself and the girls for a fashion show, helping Mika with her photography

Personality: Vera is an old soul who loves the 1920s and the clothing of the 1940s.  She loves Jazz and singing Alto.

Pet peeves: Rap music, change, whining, and the birds outside her window in the morning who disturb her sleep.

Likes to collect: peacock stuff, mermaids, roaring 20s memorabilia

Favorite store: ModCloth online

Wants to be:  a fashion designer

Dream: to be a part of Fashion Week in NYC

Kaya (American Girl Historical Kaya)
[Behind the Scenes: Believe I got her in 2002 for Christmas]

Full name: Kaya'aton'my (She Who Arranges Rocks)
Same personality as in her books!
"American Girl characterizes her as "adventurous" and "daring" with a generous spirit. American Girl featured video describes her as "True-Hearted'. American Girl e-cards describes her also as loyal and clever. "

Dahlia (Historical Julie doll)

[Behind the Scenes: Awesome Ebay buy! Dahlia came to me after winning my heart on Ebay, and told me very clearly her name, much to my surprise!  She is the only one to know what she wanted to be called.]

Full name: Dahlia Marie Harrison

Birthday:  May 31st

Age: 14

Favorite color:  Lavendar and teal

Favorite book:  Grimm's fairytales, costume design books

Favorite movies: Lilo and Stitch, Serenity, the new Cinderella

Favorite TV Shows: Once Upon a Time, Charmed, Lost Girl, Firefly

Favorite actor:  Nathan Fillion

Favorite fictional character: 'Kaylee' from Firefly (Kaywinnet Lee Frye), Piper Halliwell

Favorite CD: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Favorite song: California Girls - Katy Perry

Favorite food: Pad Thai and Miso Soup

Favorite dessert: Strawberries and Momma's cream cheese whipped cream for dipping

Favorite drink: Tazo Passion tea

Favorite animal: Snow Leopard

Hobbies: Hanging out with Jaelin, sketching dress designs for Momma, making jewelry for her sisters and friends.

Personality: Always optimistic, the peacemaker between different personalities. Always smiling and with a kind word for everyone, give people the benefit of the doubt. Wears her heart on her sleeve and never hides her feelings from anyone.  She is my girly girl, she has informed me recently.  She loves to dress in soft pastels

Pet peeves: mismatched clothes on purpose, overly loud music, impatience

Likes to collect: Firefly stuff, dragonflies, her favorite Disney Fairy Iridessa, Lilo and Stitch

Favorite store: Jo-ann's Fabrics or the local New Age Store

Wants to be:  a costume designer or a jeweler

Dream: to go backstage and play with all the costumes at a show on Broadway

Alanna (Marisol doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: Good Ebay purchase, sent to doll hospital for defective wig (which they replaced for free)] 

Full name: Alanna Rochelle Delacruz

Birthday:  June 25th

Age: 15

Favorite color: Anything bold: Red, Blue, Yellow 

Favorite book:  Signs of the Zodiac Series - Vicki Pettersson

Favorite movies: Anything Superheroes or Action

Favorite TV Shows: Agents of Shield, Arrow, Agent Carter mini-series

Favorite actor:  Scarlett Johanssen

Favorite fictional character: Black Widow or Tony Stark

Favorite CD: Anything by Pink

Favorite song: Raise Your Glass - Pink

Favorite food: Shrimp Fried Rice and Egg Drop Soup

Favorite dessert: Cheesecake

Favorite drink: Water

Favorite animal: Bird

Hobbies: Reading Comics, martial arts, spending time with her cousin/best friend, Linnea, playing on her handheld gaming system

Personality: Never one to be embarassed by being different, Alanna loves to try new things, even if they might look weird or funny.  She loves being outdoors, or watching any kind of comic book movie, as well as trying to get everyone to join her.  Clown, likes to make people laugh.

Pet peeves: bullies, too much lace, and anything gummy textured

Likes to collect: super hero stuff 

Favorite store: Any comic book store, Gamestop, or movie store

Wants to be:  a martial arts instructor

Dream: to be in a marvel movie as a stunt double

Linnea (Elizabeth doll)
[Behind the Scenes: A good Ebay buy, then a rewigging, as her hair needed some help]

Photo Coming soon!!

Full name: Linnea Rose Harrison

Nicknames: Linnie (her sisters call her that.... most people just call her Linnea)

Birthday:  November 21st (born 6:34am) Younger fraternal twin

Age: 16

Favorite color: Ocean colors - purples, blues, greens, teals, rich bold colors  

Favorite book:  Anything by Kelley Armstrong or the Hollows Series by Kim Harrison

Favorite movies: Pretty Woman, Step Up, Pitch Perfect, Center Stage, and Maleficient

Favorite TV shows: Once Upon a Time, Bitten, Agent Carter mini-series (watched with Alanna), Lost Girl (she and Yazmeen are obsessed with the show), Charmed

Favorite actor:  Hayley Atwell, Channing Tatum

Favorite fictional character: Elena Michaels, Rachel Morgan

Favorite CD: Pitch Perfect and the Step up Soundtrack

Favorite song: Once Upon A Dream redone by Lana Del Ray

Favorite food: Sushi

Favorite dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Favorite drink: Lemonade or Lemon water

Favorite animal: Tigers and sea lions

Hobbies: Reading, Crocheting, dancing, blogging

Personality: Very independent, she keeps to herself a lot. Enjoys a nice day where she can sit under a tree and read. A bit disorganized, she always has so many creative ideas that she can't seem to keep them all straight.  Loves anything mytical.

Pet peeves: someone else cleaning up her things (she has a system that works for her), cleaning the bathroom, bad grammar

Likes to collect: fairies, dragons, and books

Favorite store:

Wants to be:  a professional ballroom dancer, an author, or a new age store owner

Dream: to dance with Channing Tatum or a chance to write with Kelley Armstrong

Jaelin (My AG #25)
[Behind the Scenes: Purchased her on E-Bay for a great price including shipping! Only issue was her hair needed to be trimmed, as it had been cut before I got her.]

Full name: Jaelin Gail Tam

Birthday:  October 8th

Age: 13

Favorite color:  Black and lime green

Favorite book:  Anything having to do with Steampunk and strong heroines

Favorite movies: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr. Version), Star Trek (the reboot)

Favorite TV shows: Charmed, Farscape, Grimm, Lost Girl, Glee

Favorite actor:  Robert Downey Jr.

Favorite fictional character: Nick Burkhardt

Favorite CD: Big Hero 6 Soundtrack, Sherlock Holmes soundtrack

Favorite song: Immortals by Fallout Boy

Favorite food: Macaroni and Cheese, loaded baked potatoes

Favorite dessert: Angel food cake

Favorite drink: Root Beer

Favorite animal: Prarie dogs

Hobbies: steampunk cosplay, writing (her idea to start the blog), playing Clue, reading mysteries, and exploring/investigating everything

Personality: outgoing, tends to get unrealistic ideas that she has to try to get everyone involved in, likes to be a leader

Pet peeves: being told her ideas are too wild, writer's block, and not being able to investigate things

Likes to collect: steampunk things, Sherlock Holmes (any version), old antique stuff like typewrites, old-fashioned cameras

Favorite store: anywhere new that she can explore

Wants to be:  a journalist or police detective

Dream: to get to attend the Steampunk fair in New Jersey

 __________ (Historical Kitt doll)

[Behind the Scenes: Bought her damaged from Ebay, first custom doll :)]

As you can imagine... she is being repaired and customized... please check back!

Vivienne (Historical Elizabeth doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay Purchase, saw a custom doll with the josefina mold, and modeled her after that doll :)] 

Photo coming soon!

Full name: Vivienne Renae Harrison

Nickname: Viv

Birthday:  November 21st (born 6:29am) Older fraternal twin

Age: 16

Favorite color: Ice Blue, teal, and Heather gray

Favorite books:  The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon) [she hated the movie, btw]

Favorite movies: Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton Version), Alice (from the Syfy Channel), Tin Man, Jupiter Ascending, and Serenity

Favorite TV shows: Once Upon a Time, Grimm, Game of Thrones, Outlander

Favorite actor:  Zooey Deschanel

Favorite fictional character:  Claire Beauchamp from Outlander

Favorite CD: Almost Alice

Favorite song: Welcome to Mystery - Plain White T's

Favorite food: Black Olives and Huge Homemade Salads (she LOVES salads)

Favorite dessert: Chocolate Mousse or momma's cream cheese heavy whipped cream

Favorite drink: Raspberry Peach Smoothies

Favorite animal: Dobermans

Hobbies: growing herbs, exploring the woods, hiking, reading

Personality: Likes to organize things alphabetically and by color, neat where Linnea is a bit messy.

Pet peeves: Her things out of order

Likes to collect: Dragons, Alice things, books on herbs and plants, miniature potted plants

Favorite store: Garden sections of stores, garden centers

Wants to be:  an Herbologist or a botanist

Dream: To spend a summer with someone specializing in homeopathy and natural remedies

Kendalyn (Grace Thomas, Girl of the Year doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: My first doll bought from AGP in Boston at full price, TechGuy picked her out of 4 dolls I was in love with!  He liked the blue eyes and freckles.  Then he helped me pick out the wig color that would look the best on her, since I don't like her tiny bangs. It was fun getting him involved in the doll process!!]

Full name: Kendalyn May Bruce

Nicknames: Kenna

Birthday:  September 3rd

Age: 15

Favorite color:  Bright Teal and orchid purple

Favorite book: Anything by Tamora Pierce  

Favorite movies: A Knight's Tale, The Great and Powerful Oz, Pirates of the Caribbean (The first and third movies), The New Cinderella, Maleficient

Favorite TV Shows: Once Upon a Time, Outlander, Grimm, Lost Girl

Favorite actor:  Mila Kunis

Favorite fictional character: Cinderella

Favorite CD: 

Favorite song:  

Favorite food: Chicken Cordon Bleu

Favorite dessert: Fudge and Jellybeans

Favorite drink: Simply Orange Juice

Favorite animal: Cheetah

Hobbies: Learning to Garden with Vivienne, dancing with Linnea, reading, knitting, and exploring the woods around Momma's house, taking bubble baths, modeling for her best friend Mika's photography.

Personality: Easy-going but hyperactive, girly with a bit of an adventurous side.  A dreamer. Gets easily distracted during conversations and takes them in a whole other direction.

Pet peeves:  Doing dishes, no hot water for showers, people not being able to follow her conversations

Likes to collect: Jewelry (renn fest kind), pretty dresses, books on elegant hair styles, orchids

Favorite store: Anywhere that she can get Renaissance Festival items,

Wants to be:  she's not sure yet

Dream: to visit Disney World, especially Hollywood Studios

Yazmeen (Josefina doll)
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay purchase for a great deal! :)]

This lovely girl is in my doll hospital as my first eye swap... it's been a learning experience. She's almost ready to make her debut... she tends to lean towards a bit of the darker things... Lost Girl, Grimm... 

Savannah (Historical Julie doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay purchase for a good deal :)] 

Figuring out her personality!

 _____ (Marie Grace doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: Bought from someone on one of my facebook doll groups!!! Finally got my Marie Grace!!! :)] 
She's being shy right now...

 Mika (My AG #40 doll)
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay purchase for a good deal! :)] 

She has agreed to help me finish her profile soon!

 Delia June (My AG #55 doll) 
[Behind the Scenes: Jill's Steals and Deals June 10, 2015! :)] 

Looking forward to learning more about this lovely cowgirl!

 _____ (Historical Josefina doll #2) 
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay purchase for a good deal! :)] 

Waiting for this lovely lady to arrive!

 ____ (My AG #30 doll)
[Behind the Scenes: bought for me by a FB AG member from the MCM sale :)] 

This lovely lady will be coming to a profile near you soon!

 _____ (Historical Marie-Grace doll #2) 
[Behind the Scenes: Ebay purchase for a good deal! :)] 

Waiting for this lovely lady to arrive!

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